In Mr. Hall's Journals, "Curiouser & Curiouser" is the collective title of interesting Journal articles on unusual topics. His subtitle is "A Department Dedicated to Alice in Wonderland."
Click on any article title and the appropriate Journal will download. Most browsers will take you immediately to the article. If yours doesn't, you can scroll down to find the given page number. (All articles were written by Mr. Hall.)
- Adventures in Whimsey, page 57
- Affairs of Honor, page 44
- Alchemy and the Gold Standard, page 71
- Ancient America, page 46
- Ancient Chinese Medicine, page 62
- Aratus of Soli, page 45
- The Assassins, page 59
- The Baku, page 57
- The Battle of the Beards, page 61
- Beauty Hints, page 53
- The Big Wash, page 45
- The Bird That Became a Buddhist, page 61
- The Bishop of Bingen, page 74
- The Bogomiles, page 66
- The Buddhist Rosary, page 61
- Business Dealings with the Devil, page 77
- The Celestial Bureaucracy of China, page 63
- Celtic Fairy-Lore, page 38
- A Chinese Conjurer, page 71
- Chinese Herbal Medicine, page 58
- Chinese Paper Cutouts, page 58
- Chinese Snuff Bottles, page 64
- Codex Sinaiticus, page 60
- Comet Tales, page 57
- Confucius, the Sage Who Came Back, page 55
- The Cult of the Sword, page 66
- Curiosities in Art and Literature, page 47
- Curiosities of Philately, page 72
- The Dance of Death, page 67
- The Dark Curtain of History, page 61
- David Garrick and the Shakespearean Festival, page 20
- The Day of St. Thomas, page 56
- Democritus, page 63
- Did the Chinese Discover America?, page 60
- The Divine Chess Game, page 62
- Dr. Dee and Certain Spirits, page 47
- The Earthquake Fish, page 58
- Ebenezer Sibly, M.D., page 42
- Epitaphs in Prose or Verse, page 52
- Ethiopian Amulets, page 56
- The Evil Eye, page 64
- Ex Libris, page 52
- The First Man to Fly, page 49
- The First Romantic Novelist, page 56
- The Flying Dutchman, page 68
- Footprints of Buddha, page 69
- The Frolicking Animals, page 33
- Further Notes on Oriental Printing, page 48
- The Ghost of an Emperor, page 75
- The Godless Month, page 57
- Gods on Horseback, page 41
- Great Benin, page 67
- The Great Mermaid Mystery, page 67
- The Great Scorpio Controversy, page 65
- The Great Wall of China, page 60
- The Guardian Angel, page 46
- The Gunpowder Plot, page 62
- The Hand of a Saint, page 74
- Hands of a Buddha, page 55
- Haste! Haste! and Be Faithful, page 44
- The Hedgehog with Four Curls!, page 62
- A Historical Record of Divination, page 65
- Hog Money, page 63
- The Holy Man of Mt. Abu, page 68
- Homunculi, page 48
- How to Get Lost in Tokyo, page 56
- The Ill Omens of King Charles III, page 44
- The Inscrutable East, page 65
- The Irish Leprechaun, page 49
- Japanese Copperplate Engravings, page 65
- Japanese Wrapping Cloths, page 57
- Japan's "Living Treasures", page 49
- John Bunyan's Magic Flute, page 52
- The Kraken, page 45
- The Legend of the Wandering Jew, page 69
- A Little Excursion into Rhabdomancy, page 58
- The Long Sleepers, page 69
- The Lord of Misrule, page 58
- Lore of Finger Rings, page 59
- The Lost Treasure of the Incas, page 71
- Lycanthropy, page 65
- Martin Luther and the Black Monk, page 73
- A Military Mystic, page 63
- Miniature Landscapes, page 59
- Mr. Bohn and His Wonderful Library, page 46
- The Muse of Doom, page 65
- Music Hath Charm, page 54
- Mysteries of Money, page 36
- The Mystery of the Christian Era, page 68
- The Mystery of the Disappearing Elephants, page 24
- The Mystery of the Fostering Mother, page 67
- The Mystery of the Trembling Rod, page 71
- The Myth of the Dangerous Child, page 60
- Napoleon and His Fortuneteller, page 72
- Navajo Indian Feather Ceremony, page 69
- News from the Orient, page 65
- Nostradamus - Death in a Golden Cage, page 69
- Notes on a Japanese Cross, page 59
- Notes on Chinese Medicine, page 54
- Notes on Continental Currency, page 67
- Notes on Sharito, page 51
- The Nuremberg Chronicle, page 66
- Of Misinformation in General, page 72
- Of Sound and Bestowing Mind, page 57
- Old Chinese Currency, page 49
- Orchid Pavilion Scroll, page 55
- Ordeal by Fire, page 63
- The Origin of the Game of Chess, page 60
- The Pastoral Staff, page 92
- The Path of Salvation, page 57
- Pluto and the Underground, page 55
- Popular Demons of Antiquity, page 54
- The Priestess of Amen-Ra, page 44
- Prophecies of Doom, page 38
- The Rabbit in the Moon, page 45
- Recreations in Hell, page 53
- The Red Cavalier—First Printed Article of Manly P. Hall, Age 13, page 58
- Religions of the World on Postage Stamps, page 70
- The Rowley Parchments, page 68
- The Sanjusangendo Temple, page 54
- The Secret Christians of Japan, page 41
- The Seven Gods of Good Fortune, page 47
- The Shape of Things Unseen, page 56
- Sharaku, page 46
- Shih-Te and Han-Shan, page 65
- The Ship of Good Fortune, page 63
- The Silk Road, page 43
- Simon the Magician, page 69
- Something about Unusual Books, page 64
- Speaking of Money, page 66
- St. Francis Preaching to the Birds, page 45
- The Story of the Learned Pig, page 88
- The Story of the Newspaper, page 48
- The Story of the Secret Room, page 68
- The Story of the Tulip Mania, page 23
- Symbolism of a Deck of Cards, page 59
- The Taj Mahal, page 42
- Temple Souvenirs, page 56
- The Tengu, page 42
- The Thieves' Market, page 45
- Thomas Taylor on Alchemy, page 53
- The Tibetan Snowman, page 56
- Titus Oates, Maker of Plots, page 45
- Tosen-Kyo, page 65
- Touching for the King's Evil, page 73
- Touching for the King's Evil—Part II, page 37
- Tranquillity Stones, page 51
- Tried by a Jury of Their Peers, page 76
- Twenty-Three Karat Gold Postage Stamps, page 54
- Unfortunate Aeronauts, page 62
- Unusual Memorial Services, page 58
- The Vatican Obelisk, page 66
- A Vindication of the Rights of Brutes, page 66
- Virgil the Sorcerer, page 41
- The Waghorn Post, page 47
- What's in a Name?, page 57
- When the Devil Went To Work for God, page 71
- The White Lady of the Hohenzollerns, page 47
- Why King Henry VII Failed to Employ Christopher Columbus, page 55
- Wilkins' Mathematical Magic, page 56
- Women's Rights—Egyptian Style, page 42
- The Wonderful One-Man Cart, page 58
- Wonderful, Wonderful Bamboo!, page 57
- The Year of the Dragon, page 34
- The Year of the Serpent, page 68